About E-Cares
In 2014 as I turned 40, friends approached me about having a special celebration for my milestone birthday. A
special day was in store for me indeed. The special day that I chose was to spend the day at an orphanage in Metro Manila. My friends joined me for a day of food, gifts, games, dental program and fun with the nearly 40 young orphan children at that orphanage.
This moment changed my life. Each of the next six years after that day I organized the charity program became a yearly birthday charity event with the help of my families, friends and supporters providing special day for families and children in remote locations of the Philippines and other countries I visited. Those days are filled with Christmas gifts, school supplies, bible, food, street libraries and medical help, that gives a little enjoyment and CARE for those families.
Ecares not only plans to continue the annual outreach programs but expand into more locations to include both nutrition, health care and literacy assistance and I will continue to garner support from families, friends and supporters in providing assistance to the less fortunate children and families.
A genuine happiness comes within by helping others even in a smallest way we can offer.